Unveiling The Secrets – How To Be Successful In Life 

Regardless of how old or young you are, what you do for a living or where you belong, everyone shares something in common, i.e. they want to be successful in life. But every person’s definition of being successful is different. While some may call success having a faithful spouse or being a responsible parent, others equate it with fame, power, and wealth.  

Before heading forward, define success and what it means to you. You cannot be successful if you don’t know what it means to you. Make your goals clear and try to be as realistic as possible.  

Plan ahead and plan big  
The next step in the journey toward success is to decide what you want to achieve in life and plan big for yourself. Never underestimate your worth or skills and plan accordingly.  

Learn how to balance life
After careful and wise planning, balance your life –  professional, financial, personal – very logically and practically.  

Find the purpose or goal of your life 
Know what affects you, the things you simply love to do, and what provides you utter satisfaction. As you identify what you like, you can use it to find the main goal of your life. Knowing what you love will bring you motivation along the course of your journey toward attaining success.  

Stay away from distractions  
Distractions can be the spice or forbidden fruit in your life, depending upon how you handle them, so be clear and focused on your goals. Distractions will surely be there but don’t allow them to affect you. When you see that your goals take a backseat because of such distractions, banish them once and for all. ` 

Accept things as they come 
You need to accept the fact that life can be very unfair. You can complain about it and wish it to be different or you can take a step forward to go out there and do something about it. Stop wasting your time and use situations for your own benefit. If Newton had complained about an apple falling and hitting him on his head, rather than putting a different spin on the situation, he would have never discovered the law of gravity.  

Say goodbye to all your fears  
Remove fear from your thinking and stay focused on positive things in life. When you fail, don’t be fearful, be positive and start again.  

Define Your Reality

Sometimes we are put into a situation where we have to make a determination of our reality. For the most part, that determination will be defined by our attitude at that particular time.  The context is framed around what our perception is of our current reality and how we want to develop our new reality.  We don’t think about this process very much but if we did it would be possible to change certain realities by changing our attitude about the situation.

Circumstances take on all different forms.  Our reality can be a function of our perception of those circumstances.

Let me give you a couple of examples.  You want to become a supervisor on the next level.  This is a worthy objective of many people but we are held back by our attitude of lack of discipline, lack of readiness or lack of willingness, but each of those “lack of’s” is creating an attitude that will derail the desire to become the next supervisor.  Therefore, in looking at development, growth and success opportunities, it is our attitude going into that situation that determines if the plan will or will not work out.

Another example might be that you want to buy a car.  Simple thing, right?  But, what is the attitude going into it?  If you don’t focus on not having enough money; it is out of my price range; or, it is not enough car for my needs, you are creating an attitude of doubt rather than focusing on the plan to achieve your goal.  All of your thoughts are shaping what your attitude is going to be.

Sometimes we have to determine how are we going to create a more focused perspective.  To define exactly what you want or desire, you need to have a more focused perspective.  This focused perspective in conjunction with plan will change your attitude.  The dream will becomes more focused and clear.

For example, in the supervior example, you are not going to let anything derail the perspective you have created.  You have determined the steps you are going to take and you are going to charge ahead.  If I let other factors seep into my consciousness or my sub-conscious, then those are derailing factors.  These hold me back from what I really want to do.  In the car example, I AM going to buy this car!  I have done my research  and I know this is what I want and will attract.  Every objection has been put to rest and know now I am going to head directly to my target.

Lastly, in defining reality, it is  what we make it.  Reality is framed by the perspectives we allow into our consciousness.  If we allow more and more into our consciousness, our reality can shift from perspective to perspective.  But, it is the focus that maintains the reality of what we dream and desire.

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