The Wisdom of Curiosity

From the moment we are born, we are constantly learning new ideas and concepts. Most of these are ones that our parents have directed us toward. Most of the time we take these and accept them at face value and move on.

As we grow, the parent’s role (although still very influential) is replaced by peers, formal education, and media. We have these other influencers who are shaping our belief systems and molding our thoughts and actions. There is nothing wrong with this unless the influence is negative or takes us away from who we want to be.

The process of determining who we want to be involves all the above influencers plus an intrinsic knowledge, feeling or drive of who we are and what we are meant to do. This sense of being is not what you’re taught or shaped by others, but what you were born with in your spirit. The influencers can separate you from your spirit, but it never goes away.

Your spirit manifests itself constantly throughout your life and is regularly trying to show you the path to meaning, purpose and happiness. Even when we go off track, our spirit is there trying to bring you back to the path. These attempts are mysterious yet consistent and may reveal themselves in many ways. Have you ever had a “Deja vu” (the feeling that one has lived through the present situation before) moment? Have you ever had a strong feeling to turn a particular way when on a bike ride or driving in the car?

Being mindful of every situation causes regular revelations from your spirit and means that a course correction is needed or warranted. As we maneuver through our daily lives, mindfulness of that ”voice on our shoulder” is one to pay attention to. Will our reaction to each voice be positive? Evidence shows that our free will allows us to choose how, or if, we respond to each message. Our response will not always be right but the habit of listening to the spirit is being formed.

Curiosity is a wonderful trait to have.  Its means ”a strong desire to know or learn something.” This trait, when utilized, is asking the spirit to explain the ”why” of a situation. Or, it is challenging commonly held beliefs that opened the door to more, and perhaps enhanced, wisdom of who you are and your purpose.

Curiosity in itself is a path that the spirit is using to help you determine your journey. Remember, your journey has already had some structure ingrained through the sources already divined. So, curiosity is asking you to take the norm that you have currently and challenge it.

These norms are evident in your daily habits, political views, religious beliefs, relationships, and many more. What are the keys to knowing if these norms are right and consistent with your belief system?

I ask simple questions of myself pertaining to norms:

  • Does it make sense?
  • Does it make me happy?
  • Will it not hurt anyone?
  • Will it allow me to continue to develop?
  • Will it allow my mind to stay open to all possibilities?

Being curious about every aspect of your life is fun and rewarding. It challenges you to continue to grow. If you are set in your ways, how can you be open to new ideas or information?

Wisdom is the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise. In essence, the quality of wisdom that promotes these is curiosity. The more curious you are, the more wisdom you will acquire. Therefore, become more curious. Be mindful of everything that is going on around you and the messages that are being generated through your spirit. Be a person who is always striving for more wisdom by creating habits that make listening to those mysterious signals an active part of your day.

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